Weight Loss Series Week 4: Variety is the Spice of Life & Virtual DIY Walk of Hope

Weight Loss Series Week 4: Variety is the Spice of Life & Virtual DIY Walk of Hope

This past week I’ve been trying to mix up my workout routine. I recently read that if you are doing more than one hour of exercise most days of the week, it’s good to add variety to your workout routine. It helps to work different muscles in your body which can prevent overuse injuries. I did HIIT on my treadmill, workout videos from YouTube, and went for a walk outside. The snow is melting here in Alaska and I am so happy for summer to begin. 


Disclaimer: All content and media on the Hoping For Baby website is created and published online for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health advice.


Catch-up on Previous Weight Loss Series Posts

Weight Loss Series Week 1: Fertility Clinic Closed, Focusing on Health

Weight Loss Series Week 2: 100 Miles in April Challenge & Online Infertility Group

Weight Loss Series Week 3: The Difference & BFFs with My Treadmill


Countdown Until Target Weight Date: 5 months & 9 days (as of 4-21-2020)


Week 4


Variety is the Spice of Life

As you read in my intro, it is really important to do a variety of different exercises. I think this is especially true for anyone that is in the beginning stages of their weight loss journey and they may not have built up enough strength yet. In the past I would be super gung-ho about getting back into an exercise routine that I would sometimes get an injury from overdoing it. Whether it was shin splints, achilles tendinitis or even a sprained ankle, I was notorious for ending up hurt not too long after I started my new exercise routine. 



On our walk Sunday afternoon. Coastal trail with city of Anchorage, Alaska in background. See more photos on our Instagram.


I decided that this time around I wanted to be more calculated with my exercise routine to avoid injury. Firstly, I started slow. I was sedentary for so long that I started off moving more by simply cleaning the house. It got me off my butt and moving. The following week I started walking slowly, then the next week I incorporated more of a light jog. This last week I have been doing a variety of exercises. Even my cardio routine looks different each day. I’ve been doing strength training too, several times a week. I’m trying to be very conscious of focusing on exercising different parts of my body throughout the week. For example, upper body strength training one day and lower body the next. 



Cook Inlet during “Spring Breakup” where chunks of ice are starting to melt.  See more photos on our Instagram.


I can feel I’m getting stronger and stronger each day. My arms are in the beginning stages of starting to tone up and my stomach is slowly starting to get a little smaller. It’s cool to already see a few changes. I’m looking forward to seeing how many inches I’ve lost by the end of the month.



Virtual DIY Walk of Hope

I am looking forward to participating in the Virtual Walk of Hope, as part of National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW) through RESOLVE. If you didn’t know, NIAW is April 19th through the 25th. Although money is kind of tight for me at the moment with my reduced hours at work, I’ve decided to pledge 50 cents for every mile I walk this week.  Check out how you can participate by going to their website. My goal is to walk at least 20 miles over these next seven days. Let me know if you are also participating in the Virtual Walk of Hope and what your goals are for this walk. 



Currently in Alaska we are still allowed to walk outside during the pandemic but we must be 6 feet away from others, except for household members. Now that it’s warming up outside I’m looking forward to sharing more of my walks and hikes outside with you all. Follow me on Instagram as I get outside and walk and hike here in beautiful Alaska.


Screenshot 2020-04-20 at 11.00.45 AM

My progress for the 100 Miles in April challenge so far.



Last week’s weight 189.0, this weeks is 187.4 lbs. (1.6 lbs lost this week)


Screenshot 2020-04-20 at 11.12.50 AM



Mini Victories for the Week

Continuing with the momentum of my workout routine.

Knowing when to rest when my body is tired from exercising.

Did not go over my 1200 calories per day at all this week.


Work in Progress

I got outside once this week, would definitely like to do more of this.

Find a new trail to walk on this week that I haven’t been on before.

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